Sunday, April 3, 2011

Up Coming Events in the Spey Casting World.

The world of spey casting is becoming more encompassing all the time. In the ever changing equation of the use of two handed rods comes the need to gather and compare shared knowledge new and old. There is an ever growing culture of conclaves and events that help promote the sport and will eventually lead to the next developments in the spey world. One of the coolest events in the modern world of the wonderful two handed rod is Spey-O-Rama. The focus seems to be on the world distance casting competition, but there is more to it than that. The Golden Gate Casting and Angling club hosts one of the best open forum style Gatherings out there. It includes great presentations by some of the worlds best casters from all over the face of the globe. With long lines being highly emphasized, all types of lines and styles are actually covered over the 3 days of this free and entertaining Gathering. To support this event, The Fly Fishing Shop has donated a winter steelhead trip to the GGCAC, in order to keep events like this one continue for years to come. It is not new, but you can't say enough about the Sandy River Spey Clave. The Woodstock of casting and angling events! Going on its 11th year, we are always trying to keep things new and exciting. This year will feature a couple of new things.There will be a single handed and spey style casting competitions, for anyone interested and all for good fun. This year is set up to be the biggest and most accommodating to everyone who attends, providing more space and casting areas for testing out new equipment or trying new lines on older rods. The ladies' day is growing every year just like the number of ladies getting into the sport. Even the guy should check these gals out, you just might learn something. All meals are free and have been graciously donated by some of the best companies in our sport. The Sandy River Spey Clave is for everyone at any and all skill levels. Feel free to find an expert and ask as many questions as you can. You should also attend any and all on river presentations given by some of the best two handed anglers and casters. See a full list of these presenters at Both of the above events should be attended by any real casting and angling enthusiast. We hope to see you at both or even one of them. If you have any questions on the events or need any info on either just call the shop. 1-800-266-3971

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